Español: Interactive course

25.00 / month

Get access to 100 interactive lessons and assignments and study whenever and wherever it you want. Enrol now to start learning Spanish easily and at your own pace – from the confort of your home or wherever you are at.

SKU: esp-int Category:


Get access to 100 interactive lessons and assignments and study whenever and wherever it you want. Enrol now to start learning Spanish easily and at your own pace – from the confort of your home or wherever you are at.

The courses include:
  • Interactive lessons
  • Audiovisual lessons
  • Interactive assignments
  • Exams and certificates
  • Q&A messaging system
  • Integrated translator
You will learn about:
  • The alphabet
  • Spelling and writing
  • Pronunciation
  • Reading and comprehension
  • Listening and conversation
  • Numbers
  • The time
  • Grammar
  • Country and culture